Our Process

We help individuals become an independent part of the community through are patience and understanding, giving appropriate care and housing. If there are behavioural issues, we find how to help through key worker sessions and support. Our goal is to get people into training courses to make them more employable, give them interview training and help them secure employment. The path leads to independent housing.

Our Clients

Services are primarily targeted at adults between the ages of 18-65 years old. Adults who have experienced or are at risk of homelessness, mental health, and those who may also need to overcome a dependence on addictive substances or offending. 

Our services include

  • Mental health care
  • Employment training
  • Developing life skills
  • Accommodation
  • Support in resettlement

Our service

Our aim is to empower people to move on with their lives and achieve sustainable, long term wellbeing through one on one and group support. To do this we endeavour to:
  • Minimise harm from substance misuse and helping people to access appropriate treatment
  • Support people with mental ill health who are leaving hospital or facing exclusion from other services
  • Work with people leaving prison to break offending patterns and re-integrate them into the community
  • Enable all clients to grow in confidence and develop appropriate life skills
  • Help with budgeting & advice