How we can help you

Together we create a development plan and regularly assess to ensure you are flowing the agreed path at a comfortable rate. We expect a contribution to living costs through benefits or wages, this will help us to find the support.

Our Accommodation

Single bedroom accommodation for each service user and 24-hour access to support by qualified staff. Homes are visited by outreach staff between the hours of 8am-8pm seven days a week. On-call staff is available to respond to emergencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Revival Housing have a close links with local businesses in Buckinghamshire and Alpha Training Industries a training centre that provide various accredited courses ranging from First Aid to those in security services


Once you feel you are ready, we will develop a support plan to help you secure accommodation. We monitor progress to ensure the transition is smooth and you are well prepared to start living independently.

About Revival

Revival Housing works alongside local community groups to support people with a diverse range of needs. Whether it is addressing the increase in homelessness with housing or supporting a person to achieve a positive change in their life, Revival Housing’s experienced and passionate team are committed to delivering high quality service to help transform lives.

History and Experience

Revival Housing was founded in Buckinghamshire in November 2019 by a group of people Trustee of Time for Good International, a community outreach group based in Aylesbury. Having been involved in various projects from the provision of food and clothing in the UK, to rebuilding flood damaged homes in the Philippines, providing clothing, food, and the installation of a school’s electricity in Ghana. It is with the same compassion, that they have chosen to put their Christian faith into action to help the homeless and vulnerable with safe, avoidable, quality housing, to support them to live independently and to maximise their potential.